School officials at Ripon College have been accused by students of censoring a September 11 memorial project due to its alleged “bias” against Muslims.

Administrators at Ripon College in Wisconsin were accused this week of censoring an intentionally provocative 9/11 memorial project that featured photos of terrorists committing acts of violence. The reason? The project could potentially amount to “bias” against Muslims students.

Young America’s Foundation spokesperson Spencer Brown said that the officials at Ripon College are operating on “feelings rather than facts.”

This attempt by Ripon College’s ‘bias protocol board’ to sanitize the truth out of remembering the anniversary of September 11 proves the necessity of YAF’s iconic 9/11: Never Forget Project, as well as the need for bold YAF activists. YAF’s leadership in creating meaningful memorials on this important date in our nation’s history ensures that the rising generation remembers the 2,977 innocent lives lost. The administrators’ reliance on feelings rather than facts betrays their intention to cower from the truth rather than highlight the scourge of radical Islamist terror for what it is: evil.

Despite the outpouring of outrage, Ripon College vehemently claims that the posters were never banned. “There has been much misinformation posted related to a recent discussion between Ripon College officials and student members of the Ripon College Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter regarding a 9/11 poster and memorial,” the school tweeted.

“Ripon College encourages an environment for free speech and civil dialogue on our campus. The YAF posters are not, and have never been, banned,” they added in a follow-up tweet.

In fact, the YAF group posted similar posters on campus last year without issue. The college even launched investigations after several of the posters were defaced.

The YAF group at Ripon College is set to hold their annual 9/11 flag memorial to commemorate the anniversary of one of the most tragic days in American history.