New reports this week revealed a pending lawsuit against two top law reviews over their alleged discrimination against white and male candidates.

A new lawsuit against the law schools at Harvard and New York University alleges a pattern of discrimination against white and male candidates. The activist group behind the suit, Faculty, Alumni and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences, alleges that the law review journals at both prestigious universities give illegal preferences to women and minorities. Law review journals are a scholarly publication that prints legal commentary on a variety of issues. Students typically must apply to contribute to law review journals. Admission is based on a combination of the applicant’s grade point average and writing samples.

“Until recently, membership on the Law Review was an academic honor reserved to students who were selected on account of their first-year grades and their performance on a writing competition,” the complaint reads. “In recent years, however, the Harvard Law Review has been using race and sex preferences to select its members.”

“Law-review membership is supposed to be an academic honor,” the text of the lawsuit adds. “Now law-review membership at Harvard is part of a politicized spoils system and no longer acts as a reliable signaling device for academic ability or achievement.”

The lawsuit was filed by Jonathan F. Mitchell, an attorney who was picked by President Donald Trump to lead the Administrative Conference of the United States, an agency that seeks to improve federal regulations. Mitchell has also served a five-year term as the solicitor general of Texas.

In a statement, NYU Law School said that they are confident that they will prove that they do not engage in discrimination. “We plan to strongly defend the Law Review and its policies, and have confidence in the outcome,” they said in the statement.

The lawsuit comes ahead of Harvard University’s admissions discrimination case, which is set to go to trial next week. In the upcoming trial, the court will look to uncover whether or not the Harvard University admissions office intentionally discriminated against Asian-American applicants. Stay tuned to Breitbart News for coverage on the trial.