Ahead of his appearance today before the House Judiciary Committee, Google CEO Sundar Pichai claimed to lead the tech giant “without political bias” in his written testimony.

As Google CEO Sundar Pichai prepares to appear before the House Judiciary Committee today in a hearing titled: “Transparency & Accountability: Examining Google and its Data Collection, Use, and Filtering Practices,” a copy of the CEO’s written testimony has been published, in which Pichai states that he leads the tech firm “without political bias.”

Pichai began his testimony by discussing the effect of technology on his life stating:

I joined Google 15 years ago and have been privileged to serve as CEO for the past three years—though my love for information and technology began long before that. It’s been 25 years since I made the US my home. Growing up in India, I have distinct memories of when my family got its first phone and our first television. Each new technology made a profound difference in our lives. Getting the phone meant that I could call ahead to the hospital to check that the blood results were in before I traveled 2 hours by bus to get them.

The television, well, it only had one channel, but I couldn’t have been more thrilled by its arrival! Those experiences made me a technology optimist, and I remain one today. Not only because I believe in technology, but because I believe in people and their ability to use technology to improve their lives. I’m incredibly proud of what Google does to empower people around the world, especially here in the US.

Pichai later discussed the responsibilities that Google has to its users and his responsibilities as company CEO. He claims during his testimony that he leads the company without any political bias whatsoever:

Users also look to us to provide accurate, trusted information. We work hard to ensure the integrity of our products, and we’ve put a number of checks and balances in place to ensure they continue to live up to our standards. I lead this company without political bias and work to ensure that our products continue to operate that way. To do otherwise would go against our core principles and our business interests. We are a company that provides platforms for diverse perspectives and opinions—and we have no shortage of them among our own employees.

Some of our Googlers are former servicemen and women who have risked much in defense of our country. Some are civil libertarians who fiercely defend freedom of expression. Some are parents who worry about the role technology plays in our households. Some—like me—are immigrants to this country, profoundly grateful for the freedoms and opportunities it offers. Some of us are many of these things.

Despite Pichai’s claim that Google is a politically diverse and accepting company, recent reports showed that 90 percent of political donations from Google employees went to Democrats. “In 2016, when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, Alphabet employees donated more than $5.8 million to Democratic candidates and causes, while only $403,042 was contributed to Republicans. Ninety-four percent of Alphabet contributions in that year went to Democrats,” a report from the Washington Examiner stated. “From 2004 to 2017, $15 million donated by employees of Google and its related companies went to Democrats, and just $1.6 million went to Republicans.”

Watch Sundar Pichai’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee today at 10 AM EST here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com