House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said at a Judiciary Committee on Monday hearing that Google’s political bias should not “creep into its search products,” given its dominant status on the Internet.

The Judiciary Committee held the hearing on Monday with Google CEO Sundar Pichai to answer questions over whether the company biases its search engine, its Google+ privacy leak of 52 million users, and its plan to create a censored search engine in China.

Rep. McCarthy, who will become the House Minority Leader in the next congressional term, said that the search giant needs to remain committed to political bias does not enter its search products.

“We need to know that Google is committed to the free-market ideals of competition and entrepreneurship that launched its revolutionary products to begin with,” McCarthy contended. “Second, we need to be sure that any political bias within Google’s workforce does not creep into its search products.”

McCarthy said that Google has an overwhelming status on the Internet.

“Google’s search engine organizes the entire Internet and by extension most of the information in the world,” McCarthy said.

“According to the Wall Street Journal, 90 percent of all Internet searches go through Google,” the California Republican added.

The House Majority Leader said that transparency and candor “can restore trust” in Google.

In his prepared statement, Pichai charged that he leads Google “without any political bias.”

According to emails leaked exclusively to Breitbart News, Google employees began plotting to kick Breitbart News off of Google’s dominant ad services.

Rep. McCarthy said, “Third, we need to know that Google is living up to America’s belief in free expression and human ideals with foreign governments.”

McCarthy concluded in his statement on Monday, “We need to know that Google is on the side of the free world and that it will provide its services free of anti-competitive behavior, political bias, and censorship.”