A new video offered conservative students the opportunity to explain what their liberal peers most frequently get wrong about them.

In a new video from Campus Reform, students at the conservative Liberty University explained what liberal students often misunderstand about conservatism.

First, students explained what conservatism is to them.

“I believe in majority free markets, I believe the rights of the individual,” one student said. “I believe that the government should stick to the Constitution.”

“I am a huge supporter of President Trump,” another female student chimed in. “I believe that the wall is going to be a great thing.”

“I just feel like conservatives lean more towards the moral side and liberals tend to lean towards the immoral. Conservatives value things like human life, such as the family, and things that are just very important. I feel like liberals don’t value those as much as they should,” another student added.

The conservative students then went on to explain what they think liberals get wrong about them. One prominent theme was the accusation that conservative students don’t think for themselves. Instead, their accusers allege, they merely adopted their ideas from their parents. The students at Liberty University want to make it clear that they are fully capable of thinking for themselves.

You can check out the full video above.