A Cambridge University lecturer continued her annual tradition appearing naked in public, this time to give a anti-Brexit lecture.

Cambridge University lecturer Victoria Bateman is naked in public again. This time, Bateman gave a lecture entitled “Brexit: The Naked Truth.” Bateman delivered the lecture completely naked.

This isn’t the first time that Bateman has used nudity to draw attention to her work. In June 2018, Bateman attended a campus event in a transparent bodysuit to promote feminism. In a black marker on her body, she wrote “My body, my choice.”

In July 2016, Bateman attended a faculty meeting completely naked to protest the Brexit movement. Bateman had written “Brexit leaves Britan naked” in black marker across her chest and stomach.

Now, Bateman has dropped the bodysuit. In front of a large crowd, a completely-naked Bateman offered her thoughts on Brexit. “Freedom is at the root of both my opposition to Brexit and my feminist activism,” Bateman argues.

Bateman has been accused, even by those on the left, of doing a disservice to feminism with her naked protest efforts. She disagrees.

“I very much disagree. Women’s bodies are one of the big battlegrounds we face today, whether in terms of women’s access to birth control, sex workers’ rights or clothing, including burka bans … By covering up the body, these problems don’t go away. Instead, we fail to address them because we think of the body as something that’s embarrassing and not to be talked about in polite — or academic — company,” Bateman said.

Bateman posted a portion of her lecture on Twitter, sparking hundreds of negative remarks and sharp criticisms.

“And here I thought people went to school so they didn’t have to strip,” one user wrote.

“This is why most people voted Brexit,” another user responded.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on Bateman’s activism efforts.