Brazilian President Jair M. Bolsonsaro has called to combat “Marxist rubbish” in universities, claiming that higher education should “form citizens and not more political militants.”

Recently elected Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has an aggressive plan to reform higher education throughout his country. According to Bolsonaro, that plan may include erasing Marxist doctrine from institutions of higher education throughout Brazil.

On December 31, Bolsonaro wrote that he wanted to use his administration to combat the “Marxist rubbish” that has taken over universities in the country. “One of the goals to get Brazil out of the worst positions in the world’s education rankings is to combat the Marxist rubbish that has settled in educational institutions,” Bolsonaro tweeted. “Together with the Minister of Education and others involved we will evolve to form citizens and not more political militants.”

But some don’t see an issue with Bolsonaro’s plan. Talk show host Dave Rubin, who routinely calls for a free and open “marketplace of ideas,” has praised Bolsonaro’s plan to “combat the Marxist rubbish” in the nation’s universities.

“It sounds like he really hates Marxism…he is really trying to get some of the SJW stuff out of schools..on that front…that all sounds good to me,” Rubin said during an interview segment on his show.

A report from the Associated Press last week suggested that Bolsonaro might review the content of the country’s national high school exam to rid it of any questions on the LGBTQ movement. According to the report, Bolsonaro announced his plan to rid the exam of those questions in a YouTube video. “Don’t worry, there won’t be any more questions like this,” Bolsonaro said.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.