A fundraiser at Michigan State University last week included an unusual focus on mocking President Trump. One panelist claimed, “Donald Trump lies…he has the undistilled reptilian brain.”

According to a report from Campus Reform, speakers at a Michigan State University fundraiser last week spent much of the evening mocking President Trump. The event was held to raise money for the university’s Institute for Public Policy and Social Research.

The event featured a conversation between CNN political commentator Patti Doyle and political analyst Alex Castellanos, who worked previously for various Republican candidates including Bob Dole, George Bush, Jeb Bush, and Mitt Romney. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer also attended the event.

Leaked audio from the event revealed that Castellanos was using the platform to take shots at Trump. “Donald Trump lies…he has the undistilled reptilian brain,” Castellanos said at the event. “It’s not the rational brain that likes policy. It’s not our emotional-social brain that gets along with people, it’s the reptilian brain.”

Doyle joined in on the pile-on against President Trump by adding that Trump is only seeking re-election because it was save him from an indictment. “CNNOne of the reasons he wants to run again is because his legal issues and a sitting President cannot be indicted,” Doyle said. “Can you imagine someone who wants to be president of the United States just to stay out of jail?” she added.

Some Republicans in attendance left the event when they realized that it had turned into a Trump-bashing contest. “I just got up and left,” Republican State Senator Tom Barrett said in a comment. “It became a competition of who hates Trump more. When called ‘reptilian,’ it’s an insult to the President and supporters, an insult to me.”

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.