The University of St. Thomas, Catholic university in Houston, Texas, will host several pro-LGBT events on campus this fall.

According to a report by The College Fix, the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, is making a push to embrace LGBT students during several campus events that will take place later this year. Student organizers for the events were initially denied funding. However, the funding was ultimately granted after the organizers agreed to keep the events in line with Catholic teaching.

The University of St. Thomas’s Diversity and Inclusion Organization Vice President Samaria Herbert said that the events were created in order to make LGBT students feel more comfortable at the university.

“These events are aimed to create a more open dialogue between the Catholic teachings on same-sex attraction and the student body. We have many students on campus who identify as part of the LGBT community and they have not always felt welcomed at this university. My goal is to create this dialogue so that current students and prospective students see that this university is truly open to all,” Herbert said in a brief comment.

Some critics have argued that the events contradict with the teachings of the Catholic church. Herbert, however, disagrees with the critics. She argues that these events uphold Catholic values.

“Everyone that is a part of planning this event understands the values of the Catholic church and the university as a whole; and those values will be upheld,” Herbert argued.

Breitbart News reported earlier this month that Georgetown University was facing criticism from Catholics over its well-funded LGBT resource center.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more campus updates.