Yale Law School Professor Emily Jane O’Dell argued on Twitter this week that people lived better under the Soviet Union than Americans do under President Trump.

According to a report by Campus Reform,  Yale Law School Professor Emily Jane O’Dell praised the quality of life in Soviet Russia in a tweet that was published this week.  O’Dell claims that she has spoken with many people who lived under the Soviet Union and that all of them argue that their quality of life was better than it is now.

“Every single person I have I [sic] asked in Central Asia (and Eastern Europe) over the past decade and a half has said life was better under the Soviets — 100 percent,” O’Dell tweeted. The professor, who claims expertise in Islamic law, deactivated her Twitter account this week.

Dell also claimed that an Ivy League professor told her that “coming to America was the greatest mistake of her life.”

This isn’t the first time that O’Dell has attracted critics on Twitter. O’Dell once argued that all men should be required to attend reeducation camps as a means of preventing the next mass shooting.

“Imagine being raised as a white man to have no awareness of (let alone empathy for) others,” O’Dell wrote in a tweet. “Deep down inside they know there’s something fundamental missing–hence all the violence towards others.”

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.