The Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian non-profit legal group, hit Vassar College back this week after academics labeled it a “hate group.”

According to a report by Campus Reform, the Alliance Defending Freedom is not responding politely to claims that it is a hate group. The organization, which is perhaps most famous for its role in defending the Colorado bakery that refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding, questioned the credibility of the sources cited by Vassar College.

The ADF was criticized by a small group of Vassar classics professors that run a blog dedicated to commentary on the relationship between Greco-Roman culture and the modern day. In making their case that the Christian nonprofit is a “hate group”, the academics cite the controversial left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The Alliance Defending Freedom is an American non-profit organization that, under the guise of promoting and protecting “religious freedom“, opposes gender equality, promotes homophobia and transphobia, and works to restrict or reduce the civil and legal rights of gay people. The SPLC has categorized them as a hate group for “supporting the recriminalization of homosexuality in the U.S. and criminalization abroad;” “defend[ing] state-sanctioned sterilization of trans people abroad;” “link[ing] homosexuality to pedophilia and claim[ing] that a ‘homosexual agenda’ will destroy Christianity and society.”

In an interview with Campus Reform, ADF Sr. Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Advocacy Jeremy Tedesco argued that the SPLC should fix its own issues with intolerance before pointing the finger at others.

“SPLC has lost all credibility and has become nothing more than a partisan progressive hit operation,” Tedesco said, “just a few months ago, SPLC’s co-founder was fired and its long-time president resigned amidst numerous employee reports of ‘a systemic culture of racism and sexism within its workplace.’”

“It’s sad that Pharos and Vassar College have willingly chosen to become tools in SPLC’s cynical fundraising ploys,” Tedesco added.  He also noted that “SPLC sympathizers have called its ‘hate map’ an ‘outright fraud’ and “a willful deception designed to scare older liberals into writing checks to the SPLC.”

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