Former Oklahoma Wesleyan U. President: 'Ideological Fascism' Rampant on Campus

Former Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper appeared on Fox News on Wednesday to discuss the rise of “ideological fascism” on college campuses. Dr. Piper decried the “thought control” rampant on campuses across the nation.

“What we have today is thought control rather than the premise of thoughtful debate. It’s ideological fascism,” Dr. Everett Piper said in an interview on Fox & Friends on Wednesday morning. Piper, the former president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, makes the case that the left would rather control speech on campuses than have open and honest discussions.

“‘You will think like us. You will look like us. You will talk like us. And, if you don’t, we will crush you. We will crush you. We will silence you,'” Piper said during the interview.

Piper pointed out that commentators across the political spectrum agree that universities will flourish only when students can civilly disagree.”You have people like Adam Carolla and Van Jones and Bill Maher and Dennis Prager and Dave Rubin…and then conservative Christians…agreeing that what we’re creating today on our campuses is a monster — rather than academic freedom and intellectual liberty,” Piper said on Wednesday.

Piper argued that American academia should reawaken the classical liberal traditions that molded the university into a free marketplace of ideas. “You don’t go to college or university to be indoctrinated,” Piper added. “I think if we recognize this is an opportunity to go back to the classic liberal arts institution, where you teach liberty and you teach freedom, rather than teach fascism, then we can have a correction in the right direction.”

Dennis Prager appeared on Breitbart News Daily last week to discuss the release of No Safe Spaces, a film that covers “ideological fascism” on American college campuses. Dr. Everett Piper appears in the film to discuss his experience as a university president for 17 years at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.