Dickinson College officials created a set of Halloween costume guidelines that are designed to stop students from engaging in “cultural appropriation.”

Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, has encouraged students to reflect on their Halloween costumes this year to avoid violating the “social justice” sin of “cultural appropriation.”

The guide, which was highlighted this week by Campus Reform, is entitled “How to Assess the Appropriateness of a Halloween Costume.” The guide was published by Dickinson College’s Women’s and Gender Resource Center.

The college posted a series of questions to their website that ask students to consider how their Halloween costume might be “offensive.” Some of the questions suggest that students should avoid wearing culturally insensitive costumes. Others encourage students to avoid costumes that are “borrowed” from a culture other than their own.

The guide suggests students ask the following questions:

The guide was originally written for an educator toolkit that has been provided to colleges around the country. Breitbart News reported in 2016 on an infamous exchange between a leftist student and Yale professor Nicholas Christakis. The student told Christakis to resign over his decision to defend a letter published by his wife that argued against university guidelines on Halloween costumes.