A professor at the University of Florida has banned the use of the term “illegal immigrant” in his classroom. The professor even claimed that the term is a “slur.”

According to a report by Campus Reform, University of Florida Professor Max Van Oostenburg has banned the use of the term “illegal immigrant” in his anthropology courses.

“Please be sure to participate to (sic) this discussion in a respectful way,” Van Oostenburg wrote in a handout to students. “I ask you not to use terms like “illegal immigrants,” “illegal aliens,” “the illegals.” For more information on this read: ‘Why ‘illegal immigrant’ is a slur by C. Garcia.'”

The professor’s instructions link to a CNN column the makes the case that terms like “illegal immigrant” are “slurs.” “The term ‘illegal immigrant’ was first used in 1939 as a slur by the British toward Jews who were fleeing the Nazis and entering Palestine without authorization. Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel aptly said that ‘no human being is illegal,’” columnist Charles Garcia wrote.

“Migrant workers residing unlawfully in the U.S. are not — and never have been — criminals,” Garcia adds. “They are subject to deportation, through a civil administrative procedure that differs from criminal prosecution, and where judges have wide discretion to allow certain foreign nationals to remain here.”
Although Van Oostenburg claims that he has never disciplined students for using terms like “illegal immigrant,” his syllabus suggests that students could be penalized for using politically incorrect language.
“Please be succinct and always respectful… You will receive 0 points if your posts are disrespectful, offensive, or contains racial/ethnic slurs,” Van Oostenburg’s syllabus reads.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.