Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, abruptly canceled a speaking event featuring conservative writer Michelle Malkin that was scheduled for Friday.

According to a Boston Herald report, Bentley University has pulled the plug on an upcoming event featuring conservative writer Michelle Malkin. In a statement, the university claimed that they canceled the event due to a last-minute increase in the projected amount of attendees and media personnel.

“The event requested by an outside group failed to adhere to the terms of a signed contract, specifically regarding the newly projected size of the audience, scope of the event, and expected media attendance, which requires prior written approval from the university,” the school said in a short comment to the Boston Herald. “The Conference Center can no longer appropriately support this event and therefore it was canceled.”

“I can’t tell you if there was some other reason, political or otherwise, but it seems to me that a university that welcomes the debate and exposure of their students to intellectual diversity of thought would have been able to work out these very minor contractual details,” Malkin said when asked about the event’s cancellation.

In a tweet published on Wednesday, Malkin said that she was hoping to find another venue in Boston that would be willing to host the event. “Cancel culture continues,” Malkin tweeted. “#MalkinBannedInBoston – So if there are any conservative venue owners in Boston who want to host a talk on #openbordersinc this Friday, let me know.”

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