International students at Penn State are praising the American tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving, breaking from leftist student activists that often associate the holiday with the oppression of Native Americans.

According to a report by the Penn State student newspaper, international students are excited to celebrate Thanksgiving. Many leftists,  including activists on American campuses, have condemned the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving. Some have suggested that Thanksgiving ignores American’s supposed oppression of Native Americans.

Breitbart News reported on Tuesday that President Donald Trump promised to protect the Thanksgiving tradition from leftists that hate the holiday. “You know some people want to change the name Thanksgiving, they don’t want to use the term ‘Thanksgiving,” Trump said this week.

“But now we’re going to have to do a little work on Thanksgiving. People have different ideas why it shouldn’t be called Thanksgiving, but I know everybody in this room loves the name thanksgiving and we’re not changing it,” Trump added.

Several international students told the Penn State student newspaper that they were excited to celebrate Thanksgiving. “It’s a great way to bring people together to eat a meal,” one international student said. “I don’t know what we will eat, but people will probably bring pizza or food from their countries to celebrate. We are trying to keep it simple, though.”

“This is a time to be grateful and to reach out to those you love,” the student added said. “It’s hard to see one another sometimes, but the meaning of this holiday to come together and share a meal is amazing.”

Another student said that Thanksgiving compares favorably to holiday traditions in Thailand. “I do like American Thanksgiving, this culture makes me feel warm,” the student said. “Since Thailand doesn’t have a lot of long breaks, I think this tradition is awesome for the family to be with each other.”