Television presenter Mike Rowe questioned the rising cost of attending college during a recent appearance on Fox News. Rowe contrasted rising tuition costs with the nation’s recent adoption of online learning technology in response to the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

According to a report by Campus Reform, television presenter Mike Rowe believes that the coronavirus crisis shows that colleges and universities can offer education at a fraction of the price that it is offered at now.

Rowe, who is perhaps best known as the host of Dirty Jobs, told Fox News host Dana Perino on Tuesday that he felt encouraged about the future of education after sitting through an MIT lecture that has been made available online for free.

“I think that one of the silver linings that might come out of this is that people might become accustomed to not only communicating the way we are right now but truly to learning. I just watched a lecture from MIT last week on this very device. The very same lecture you would pay a lot of money to sit through,” Rowe said during the interview.

“When you look at Harvard, and when you look at William and Mary and Brown and MIT and some of these schools with $40 billion endowments, who are not issuing refunds, by the way, for the canceled courses, you start to realize, what are we really paying for?” Rowe added.

Breitbart News reported in March that Purdue University President Mitch Daniels is moving forward with his promise to keep tuition under $10,000 per year. Daniels promised in 2013 to keep Purdue’s annual tuition cost below $10,000.

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