A new poll conducted by the Young American’s Foundation revealed that the majority of high school students believe that China poses a threat to the United States. Just 20 percent of high schoolers view China as America’s ally. College students, on the other hand, are much friendlier to China, with only 39 percent considering China a Threat to the U.S., and almost half blaming America for the Chinese virus pandemic.

The Young America’s Foundation (YAF) conducted a poll with 800 high school students and 800 post-secondary students from around the country. The students were asked about a variety of topics ranging from the Chinese virus to the labor economy.

Only 20 percent of high school respondents said that they viewed the communist country as an ally. Meanwhile, 33 percent of university and college students said they viewed China as an ally. 48 percent of high school students blamed China for the ongoing pandemic, agreeing with a prompt that argued that Chinese leaders covered up the severity of their domestic viral outbreak. A similar percentage of university and college students said, conversely, that they blame poor leadership in the United States government for the Chinese virus pandemic.

“When asked whether China is an ally or a threat to the United States, just 20% of high school students believe that China is an ally, compared to 33% of post-secondary students. More than 50% of high school students believe China is a threat, compared to 39% of post-secondary students,” the report read.

Breitbart News reported in April on a Pew Research Poll that suggested that young Americans are more likely than older Americans to view China favorably. According to the poll, almost 70 percent of Americans older than 50 view China as a major threat to the United States.

“Older Americans are more concerned than younger adults about China,” the Pew Research report read. “Nearly seven-in-ten of those ages 50 and older see China’s power and influence as a major threat, compared with roughly half of those 18 to 29.”

However, the poll marked the first time that more than half of younger Americans, aged 18-29, held an unfavorable opinion of China. “But while half or more of those 50 and older have held negative views of China since 2012, this is the first year in which more than half of younger Americans also have an unfavorable opinion,” the report added.

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