Earlier this month, Breitbart News exclusively published an unreleased federal report concluding that there is no link between internet free speech and “hate crimes.” The report was prepared by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and was sent to Congress, but has yet to appear on any government website.

Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has now written a letter to the agency in question demanding that the report be published on its website.

At the time Breitbart News obtained the unreleased report, we spoke with a source who worked closely with NTIA on the report, who expressed confusion that the report had not yet been made public.

(READ: Exclusive: Unreleased Federal Report Concludes ‘No Evidence’ that Free Speech Online ‘Causes Hate Crimes’)

According to the source, the release of the report was strongly opposed by the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, which they described as leading “efforts to drum up hysteria” around hate crimes in the United States.

The NTIA report pointed out that the Justice Department’s own statistics failed to show a surge in hate crimes over the past five years, and also cited research showing no causal relationship between internet free speech and hate crimes.

In his letter, sent to Evelyn Remaley of the NTIA, Congressman Gosar said the administration’s failure to make the report public was inexplicable.

“Inexplicably, while NTIA has placed the 1993 Report on its website, where it may still be found, NTIA has failed to make the updated 2021 Report similarly available,” wrote Rep. Gosar.

“While the 2021 Report’s findings may undermine common narratives touting a relation between internet free speech and hate crimes, nothing is more valuable than the truth as demonstrated by evidence.”

“My constituents deserve to know the facts regarding the prevalence of internet inspired hate crimes and I request that you provide citizen access to the updated NTIA report on your official website.”

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.