Appearing Tuesday on Fox News Primetime, Ohio Republican U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance accused Google of “conspiring with” the Communist government of China.

A transcript is as follows: 

MARK STEYN: [Big Tech] companies are already bigger than most nations on earth and the few nations they are not bigger than, such as China, they are entering into a malign alliance with. And yet, the right spends its time having these sort of college dorm room abstract discussions about the issue.

J.D. VANCE: That’s exactly right. Google, right now, is actively conspiring with and working with the Chinese government. They’ve actually been very open about this. At the same time, the 29-year-old woke idiots who work at Google refuse to allow Google to enter into contracts with the U.S. Department of Defense. This company is not a national company anymore. It’s not actually invested in the nation that allowed it to become so wealthy and powerful. Why do we keep giving it special privileges? I’m just not okay with it anymore. I want my kids to grow up in a good country, not a terrible one. If I want my kids to grow up in a good country we actually have to push back against the institutions that are taking from it.