Elon Musk’s Twitter is set to relaunch its “Twitter Blue” feature today which will bring a number of changes to the company’s verification badge system. Along with some changes to its system, users who sign up via Apple iOS devices will pay a higher subscription price to account for the tech giant’s 30% “app tax.”

Mashable reports that Twitter recently announced in a tweet that it will relaunch Twitter Blue on December 12. The relaunch was previously delayed as the company tried to find a way to avoid paying Apple’s 30 percent fee on in-app purchases. As a result of the fee, Twitter will now charge $8 per month on the web and $11 through its iPhone app so Apple’s “app tax” doesn’t bite into profits.

For a subscription fee, users will gain access to tweet editing, 1080p video uploads, reader mode, and the blue checkmark. Twitter will review accounts before giving out the blue checkmark and will remove and re-review it if an account changes its handle, display name, or profile photo. It is unclear what would make an account ineligible for a blue checkmark. The system was paused in November after trolls abused the platform with false names, including Musk’s own in many cases.

Twitter’s communication about the subscription also advertises that subscribed users’ tweets will receive priority on the platform, will see 50 percent fewer ads than non-subscribers, and will be able to post longer videos. All of these features are advertised as “coming soon.”

Twitter is also introducing new colored checkmarks that will aim to differentiate accounts for users. Companies will receive Gold checkmarks, government-related accounts will receive Grey checkmarks, and individuals will receive the classic Blue verified checkmark.

Read more at Mashable here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan