During today’s Super Bowl, football fans will see a thirty-second commercial depicting Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mother expressing gratitude that, 23 years ago, Mrs. Tebow chose not to abort Tim when she was pregnant and advised to do so by her doctors. The ad will cost about $3 million for its sponsor, the religious group Focus on the Family.

The ad has evoked angry criticism primarily from anachronistic feminists (and, inexplicably, a few homosexual groups) who, I’ll wager, don’t even watch much football regularly much less tune in the Super Bowl. Nevertheless, these graying feminists have exploded in fury at Mrs. Tebow expressing joy for the life of her son – my son the college student, my son the Heisman Trophy winner. But why express such anger and venom at a mother’s pride?

If I were to guess, the reason is that these “aborto-fanatics” (my term) cannot respond in kind. Focus on the Family shows the triumph of choosing life. How Mrs. Tebow’s choice made a “we” out of “me.” What can NOW show? What proud accomplishments can NARAL highlight? A massive body count and the millions it has paid the abortion industry.

NARAL typically trumpets its “safe and legal” abortions. So, why not a thirty-second spot showing one of these “safe and legal” abortions? Or a tour of an abortion clinic? Show pride in your work, NOW and NARAL!

[Links to pictures of aborted babies at 24 weeks gestational age here, here, and here. WARNING: not for the squeamish and NSFW.]

Or perhaps a more poignant commentary showing the legacy of abortion, akin to Mrs. Tebow’s. Maybe a commercial depicting an empty rocking chair, as a young woman’s voiceover explains “I chose to terminate my pregnancy at 3 months; I’m proud I chose to continue my life plans and avoided the emotional experience of choosing adoptive parents for my baby boy.” Cut to an empty laboratory as a mother’s voice proclaims “thirty-five years ago, I aborted my daughter; next week she would be publishing her research on a revolutionary cancer treatment. Fortunately, I didn’t have to pay her graduate-school bills.” A wilted bouquet tied with tattered hanging tulle: “Today would be my daughter’s wedding day, except I chose to abort her 25 years ago. I’m relieved I didn’t choose to celebrate that special day.”

Will Women’s Media Center or the Feminist Majority sponsor such commercials celebrating such choice? I doubt it.

In the aborto-fanatics’ zealous ideology, their First Commandment is: “Thou shalt have no other choice but Mine.” If Women’s Media Center and the Feminist Majority were truly pro-choice, they would affirm and applaud all women’s choices, including the choice for life. The aborto-fanatics’ outrage belie the truth of the entire abortion agenda. They favor abortion at any age at any stage from pre-implantation (RU486) to late term partial birth.

And their second commandment is: “Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s children.”

They think life is for stupid “breeders” who don’t know any better or whose natural desire for many children must be restrained. Some would secretly favor the Chinese policy of hunting down such breeders and forcibly aborting their babies all in the name of guarding against Global Starvation, the populationists’ version of the Climate Change.

To sell their product, aborto-fanatics must necessarily argue that giving life to a baby requires the mother must sacrifice her own life either literally or figuratively; that choosing life is like the Super Bowl, a zero sum game, that there is only one winner. Such is not the case. Millions of mothers can attest to the fallacy of that argument. Unlike the Super Bowl, life is a win-win scenario.

In any event, I still don’t get NOW’s petulance over any kind of a Super Bowl commercial. Maybe it’s me, but I just can’t picture a bunch of shrill, gray-haired feminists hanging out with Bud longnecks and nachos in hand, watching the Super Bowl, and high-fiveing what’s-his-name Manning!