On February 18, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Kate Zernike’s piece “CPAC Speaker Bashes Obama, in Racial Tones” went live on the New York Times’ Website. Just after 4:00pm that afternoon, Andrew Breitbart received the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award from AIM for uncovering corruption at ACORN this past year. He used part of his speech to voice his opinion of Zernike’s piece. Transcript begins at around 6:05 into part I:

Kate Zernike of the New York Times, are you in the room? Are you in the room? You’re despicable. You’re a despicable human being. You’re the New York Times. What is your headline here? You came to CPAC to get your prey and here’s your prey, Jason Mattera from HotAir and also from Young America’s Foundation. This is the headline: CPAC Speaker Bashes Obama, comma, in Racial Tones.

How can conservatives win the youth vote that overwhelmingly went for Barack Obama in 2008? At the Conservative Political Action Conference, apparently, some are betting on using racial stereotypes.

It goes into a story that does not express that he used a racial stereotype. It is just built upon a bed of lies. It says that he went into a Chris Rock voice. She’s the one that correlated his voice to Chris Rock. He happens to be from Brooklyn. He’s using HIS voice.

Part II of Breitbart’s speech after the jump.