If there was some way to check the eligibility of every voter showing up at the polls on Election Day, would the Democrats be in power today? Every attempt to legislate safeguards against voter fraud has been stymied by them with charges of racism being hurled.

On the same day that the House of Representatives was voting for the evil health care reform bill, there was a rally calling for immigration reform and the call for amnesty was heard over and over.


Although the crowd at the rally appears to be mostly minority protesters, it might surprise many to learn that there are many Hispanics who are against illegal immigration and amnesty. They are however invisible to the mainstream media.

The president of NY ICE ((New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement) is a Hispanic woman, Joanna Marzullo, known to us as Progress Rose. She picked up the following Spanish language voter registration form in Manhattan and you will note the highlighted question translated : Were you born in North America?

Clever, no? Mexico and Canada are also in North America so can their citizens vote in our elections? No, but I bet they already are and who’s checking their birth certificates? No one.

The mission statement on their website reads:

llegal aliens are NOT immigrants–they are trespassers who have either illegally crossed the border or illegally overstayed their visas. The 12-20 million illegal aliens already here are detrimental to American society in countless ways, including undercutting our wages and devastating our health care and educational systems. There is also a disproportionate amount of illegal alien violent criminals, with at least 25 Americans being killed by an illegal alien EVERY DAY.

Another anti-illegal immigration group is the 9/11Families for a secure America. The goal of the 9/11 FSA Foundation is to educate Americans about the continuing threat that open borders and illegal immigration represent.

NY ICE has protested against what it calls a racist organization — La Raza. This group gets support from many U.S. corporations in the belief that it represents the majority of Hispanics. It does not but it is a militant leftist organization with powerful political connections in guess which party?

NY ICE recently went to the offices of Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Representative Jerrold Nadler asking them to resist the bullying of those supporting immigration amnesty. A visit to NYICE’s website is illuminating, showing the hatred from the liberal socialists who railed at their signs and if you click on the sidebar that reads “attack” you can see the results of an attack by an immigration supporter.

When I was at the New York Sun I would receive many emails and letters from conservative Hispanics who were as closeted in their government offices as those in the entertainment industry. I was pleased to discover that there is one vocal group trying to dispel the political stereotype foisted upon us as Democrat Party peons. You Don’t Speak for Me is a group that speaks for more Hispanics than the ones at that rally.

The new group You Don’t Speak for Me! formed when Col. Al Rodriguez became fed up watching media coverage of the mass protests of April. “Their leaders were saying it was a march for immigrant rights and a Latino/Hispanic movement,” says Rodriguez. “I thought to myself, ‘Hey, those are illegal aliens, not immigrants!'” Col. Rodriguez began speaking out to others saying, “I’m of Hispanic ancestry and those people are acting like they speak for me. Well, you don’t speak for me!”

If you value the security of our borders and our safety, get involved and support the groups fighting for those same rights. It’s vitally important that we fight voter fraud that will allow illegal immigrants to reelect the corrupt powers in office today.