The leftist elements of the mainstream media (MSM) could be content just to gloat because they got away with the biggest coup in political history. Instead, they are launching a full frontal assault on conservatism. The left must be very afraid.

The accusations are flying. Virtually every MSM news outlet is running commentary of alleged “racial slurs” and “violent outbursts.” Shouldn’t they be running video of the actual incidents, instead (if they actually happened)?

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D, Mo.) made accusations and the media took the allegation as gospel despite the absence of any corroborating evidence. The MSM reported the allegation as news. Interesting, there was almost no national MSM coverage of an innocent black man who was attacked, beaten, and stomped on tape by SEIU protesters in St. Louis.


When Representative Cleaver found media attention for his yet unfounded accusations, others jumped in with more accusations. They all got press, too. They all accused conservative groups like the Tea Party of the threats, violent actions, and vicious activities.

If you have destroyed an economy, are unpopular, have promised transparency and done backroom deals, and pushed through the most astronomical piece of legislation ever by underhanded means, what is left to do but divert the attention of the public? Alinsky would add that you should change the dialogue to the ugliness of the opposition quickly, and in a very distracting way. Alinsky would tell you that you should find people to do bad things within the crowds of their enemy, and then run away pointing the finger. Alinsky would say that if you want to destroy the enemy, just accuse them of what you would do.


The only problem is that Alinsky didn’t know about New Media and Citizen Journalism.

I am a Citizen Journalist. I attend numerous Grassroots Conservative Rallies as a speaker, as a mother interested in the future of her children, and as a Citizen Journalist.

The night the sickening health care bill passed the US Congress, my team of patriots was outraged and afraid for the future of our Republic. Despite jobs and children and burdens multiple events over the days preceding, we wanted to be together. We gathered outside the home of Congressman Russ Carnahan (who obviously was not there because he was in D. C. voting for this leftist agenda), and we held a candlelit prayer vigil complete with a “Freedom Funeral.” I was there to report on what I saw. I saw a group of people sad, frustrated, and truly mourning the loss of freedoms that matter to them. I couldn’t help but notice as people choked back tears, gave re-assuring looks at one another, and tried to find hope in what felt like the beginning of the end of our free market.

When I asked the originator of the idea why he chose Carnahan’s house for the prayer vigil, he said it was because he wanted to pray for him, and for his role in the future of our country. Then the leftist blogs began to accuse, or Russ Carnahan was feeling left out of all the victimization going on, or something made the left believe they had to complain about even this very somber, very sober prayer vigil.

It was reported that Carnahan “had a coffin placed near his home,” and that he “felt threatened.” This made for great theater and the MSM lapped it up like M-n-M’s scattered on a sidewalk in front of hungry dogs. The only problem…there was no casket left in his yard.


Not only was there no casket, the citizens there carried flags and candles and Bibles. People were careful to stay off of the lawns, keep voices respectful, low and quiet, and to responsibly extinguish all candles after the prayer vigil. That wasn’t reported, although it was all available on tape. None of the efforts to be polite mattered when the media reported this, even though Carnahan’s spokesperson began her retraction of misstatements the next morning. If a coffin was truly left at the home of the Congressman at a later date, one can only deduce that it had to be someone trying to make it appear as though it was a conservative citizen.

No sane people violence or threats. But it is just as offensive for the left to manufacture false threats and incidents, and try to blame the right who are trying very hard to keep the discussion civil.

Why is there no accountability when the media reports such things about real people? Why is there no outcry for photos, or video proof of all they say? And why is there no critical eye cast on the group making baseless accusations? And why is there no MSM follow up when what was errantly reported turns out to be false?

Grassroots conservative leaders have known for a long time that this moment would come. We knew it was only a matter of time before they started infiltrating, impersonating, and planting attacks against themselves to try to make us look bad.

I have been to dozens of conservative rallies around the country, and I have never seen a violent act or heard a racial slur from the membership. At the last peaceful demonstration there was a violent incident when a leftist infiltrated our crowd and began to try to pick fights with the citizens there. He ultimately pushed one of us and was taken away by the police. Another time I caught a woman on tape who came into our crowd and pushed and bullied a quiet, gentle woman in our crowd for holding a sign. I still have the tape, if anyone is interested. Big Journalism reported on the St. Louis veteran journalist who pushed the cameraman we sent to an Obamacare Rally. There were no charges in any of the previous cases, despite videotapes of every incident. Contrast that with the Ken Gladney case that has still not been prosecuted.

Consumers are indirectly responsible for this double standard in journalism. If audiences don’t demand accountability, this problem will get worse because the left will know they can get away with making baseless accusations, and will continue their yellow journalism.

Whether or not consumers demand honesty, one thing is for sure. There is a growing, grumbling, surging group of conservatives out there who are not going away. Their passion is billowing, and their conviction propels them. They won’t back down. They are defiantly committed because they believe their country is wounded. They are training and learning and multiplying each day. They have cameras sprouting out of pockets like straw on a scarecrow.

Perhaps it is not they who need to be afraid at all.