The mainstream media and much of Hollywood have more in common besides fierce loyalty to liberalism. They both rarely deviate from their scripts. The media, like actors and actresses, loyally follow their script to promote a liberal agenda. They filter content based on their political ideology, ignore news that conflicts with their key message and use code language to create heroes, villains and spark action among their loyal fans.

During the Obama campaign, the American media let the world know how they operate. They have not deviated from their script, and now try to marginalize the Tea Party Movement.

The template used by mainstream media describes the Tea Party Movement as a group of racist, intolerant, and violent white people is just more lies and propaganda. The left follows the old totalitarian prescription: “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.” So allow me to tell you a story the liberal media doesn’t want you to hear. I will compare and contrast Tea Party activists versus liberal activists.

I had the honor of speaking at the greater New Orleans Tea Party Tax Day rally last week with well over 1,000 other patriotic Americans. Each speaker spoke about love for country, our Constitution and liberty. There was no violence, rather passionate people who are critical of the decisions being made and want to exercise their constitutionally protected right to peacefully organize and voice their opinions. While walking through the crowd I met flight attendants, accountants, retirees, insurance salespeople and stay-at-home moms. These aren’t violent people seeking confrontation. Until recently, they hadn’t been politically engaged because they were busy going to church, working, paying taxes, obeying the law, raising families, volunteering and living their lives. However, the liberal massive power grab has given them the no choice but to get involved. The Tea Party Movement has provided a vehicle for them to voluntarily take time away from their lives to peacefully and passionately voice their concerns.

What about liberal activists?

Whenever a bunch of liberals get together to protest, you better bring as many cops as you can find because there is going to be trouble. Many times you’ll find that these “supporters” are being compensated. These “compassionate” people tend to get bloodthirsty when their numbers are favorable so if you happen to stumble upon one of their protests and you disagree with their position, you better either lie or run.


If you don’t, you will be a victim of their so-called “tolerance” like Kenneth Gladney, who was savagely beaten by racially motivated SEIU members. You could get beaten and your legs broken for wearing a Sarah Palin pin like Allee Bautsch, you could get your finger bitten off by, get caught in the middle of a violent standoff with cops and the list goes on.

If you are a liberal, you can expect your friends in the media and the Democratic Party to ignore your violence because they both benefit. In fact, liberal heroes like Nancy Pelosi will encourage your intimidation like she did to CodePink for disrupting a town hall meeting. Liberal leaders use code language like “Astroturf” to mobilize violent leftists to intimidate citizens into silence. Unfortunately for them, they can no longer scare us into silence.

Don’t believe the hype, the media is simply following their script in order to negatively portray the Tea Party Movement and perpetuate their lie of the “compassionate liberal.” Despite their best efforts, the Tea Party is growing, people are seeing the liberals as the party bent on controlling all aspects of our lives and the Americans who used to ignore politics are realizing that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.