Nancy Pelosi said there were protesters parading around with swastikas – it turns out she was right! The images below are a sampling from a gallery posted by, covering the protests in Arizona against the passage of SB 1070.

Yes, that’s Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s face adorned on the piñata being bashed, to the amusement of the surrounding crowd. But it’s OK – she’s a Republican after all.

Here come the swastikas and Third Reich imagery:

And a little racism on the side, la Raza-style:

Don’t look for these in the regular media. They are too busy propagating the meme du jour on this story, which is that vandals smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the State Capitol building. The implication being that anti-immigrant racists committed this vandalism.

However, judging from the photos above, it seems more likely that one or more of the pro-immigrant protesters were responsible for this.

Is there any doubt that if this were a Tea Party protest these images would be propagated far and wide throughout the liberal blogosphere and media?

I didn’t think so.