A New Jersey court has ruled that bloggers are not journalists (now they’ve taken to the courts to establish this!). New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Judge Anthony J. Parrillo ruled last week that a blogger named Shellee Hale is not a journalist, and so does not enjoy the same protections that journalists do from being forced to reveal their sources.

Actually, this tool of a judge is right. For the most part, journalists today act as shills for the Democrat party. They cover up for the party’s crimes and excesses, obfuscate the effects of its disastrous policies, and propagandize for Obama’s agenda.

In that sense, bloggers are not journalists. The best bloggers aren’t shilling for Obama and Pelosi the way journalists are. Instead, bloggers are doing the heavy lifting. Who breaks the stories today? Bloggers. Take my own blog, AtlasShrugs.com, for example. I broke the explosive story of tens of thousands of dollars of Obama contributions from a Hamas-controlled “refugee” camp in Gaza. Did the “journalists” in the mainstream media pursue this story? Not a chance. Obama’s odd relationship with Kenyan pro-Sharia politician Raila Odinga? Atlas! Not to mention the numerous revelations I broke on the Rifqa Bary story (here and here and here and here), the story of the young Ohio girl who fled from her family in fear for her life after converting from Islam to Christianity.

If I am not a journalist, Anthony Parrillo is not a judge.

And all those stories are just off the top of my head. The corruption is so deep in all branches of the U.S. government, it is jaw-dropping. But the journalists don’t care. They have other priorities. Tops on their list is demonizing the conservative opposition to Barack Obama and the Democrats.

If you suffered through some recent Sunday morning news shows, you may have seen “journalist” David Gregory in a particularly pompous mode, positing yet again that the real threat to America is the threat of one man, one terror attack — that of Timothy McVeigh, well over a decade ago. To hear “journalists” like Gregory tell it, the 15,000 Islamic attacks across the world since 9/11 are the work of an insignificant “fringe.” The actual threat comes from “right-wing extremists.”

Last April, when Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security issued its infamous report about the threat from the right, left-wing journalists ate it up. They took it with the utmost seriousness, even though it said:

Threats from white supremacist and violent antigovernment groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts.

In other words, there is no real threat at all from “right-wing extremists,” but if you give us time, and we’ll create one. Department spokesman Sean Smith cited McVeigh in defense of the ridiculous document: “There was a very tragic example of a threat that was realized and materialized in this country, almost 14 years ago to the day, in Oklahoma City. I’m talking about Tim McVeigh.”

“Journalists” loved this. And now a year later, “journalists” will tell you that McVeigh, even in death, is scarier than ever. “Journalists” regularly invoke him to demonize patriots, tea partiers, senior citizens, and all the great Americans who are working to save this great nation from the scourge of the party of treason. The bogus threat of “right-wing extremism,” personified by McVeigh, is being used to justify Obama’s witch-hunt against the Americans who oppose his socialist policies. And this went along with their continued attempts to tar the Tea Partiers and other dissenters from Obama policies as “white supremacists” and “racists.”

But did any “journalist” call out Obama and Napolitano over their demonizing of their opposition? No. And every day they pass up another opportunity to do so.

Summing up “journalistic” standards, Tuesday the Washington Post ran a photo of Malcolm X with a caption identifying him as Barack Obama. That’s “journalism” for you. You want news? Go to the blogs.