When I learned of Helen Thomas’ retirement I was tempted to head my column with, ” Ding, Dong, the **^ is Dead …..” but then I remembered that I’m not a liberal journalist who resorts to personal attacks instead of hardcore facts. I can’t even said I’m overjoyed that Margaret Hamilton’s doppelganger has been removed as a White House correspondent.

It would have been so much better to see her go out because of her ridiculous remarks about President Bush calling him the worst president in history. She often repeats the canard that Bush waged war on a country that did nothing to us. I wonder how she explains why we went to war with Germany after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor? Sponsors of terrorism– and Iraq was certainly one –were warned after 9/11 that they would be targets Did she think Bush was joking?

I’ve been reading the post-mortems of Thomas’ leaving and snort at the description of her as a trail-blazing correspondent. The fact is that the uber-partisan Thomas never blazed anything except a scorching dislike of any Republican president.

As a Christian who wears a gold cross on a chain around my neck, I hear anti-Semitic comments from strangers who assume I think as they do. I’ve written several columns relating these incidents and in the very first one I mentioned that Hollywood got it all wrong in Gentleman’s Agreement. Gregory Peck portrays a gentile who pretends to be Jewish to uncover overt anti-Semitism in his society. I suggested just the opposite because I’ve heard these remarks from people in all walks of life precisely because I’m not a Jew.

Helen Thomas got caught on video. Let’s dredge up the anti-Semitic videos of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Pat Buchanan and then I’ll know the mainstream media is serious about addressing the issue.