Wonkette needs to grow a pair… or buy a pair and have them installed. Either way, I won’t care.

The recent “did she or didn’t she” piece about Sarah Palin’s breasts is just one more in the seemingly endless supply of petty attacks from the liberal wing of the Fourth Estate — which normally recoils in horror from any “objectification” of a woman’s body.

From Wonkette:

We got a political news tip on our Facebook page from Wonkette operative “Laura,” and it goes like this: “Sarah Palin 12/09 no boobs https://bit.ly/bmQtPJ #Sarah Palin today, Instant boobage!

So, let me understand this, a report that questions the legitimacy of the breasts of a former Governor of Alaska, former VP candidate, best-selling author, Fox News Host, and wildly successful public speaker is considered “political news?”


What is political about breast implants? Unless Blago traded a Senate seat for his wife to be augmented, it’s not news and it’s hardly political. This is just another example of (pardon me for using a Palinism here), “gotcha journalism.”

And all of this in the week we started hearing that 2010’s elections would be dominated by women in key races from coast to coast.

Has anyone mentioned that Speaker Pelosi’s face stopped moving sometime in the middle of 2008? We accepted Joe Biden’s obvious Botox use, but nothing has been mentioned about his “born again” hairline. And why not? Because it doesn’t matter, unless you are on the Right side of the aisle.

Upon further review, I am calling “Bravo Sierra” on Wonkette for not investigating the matter beyond the photos forwarded by her operative. Photos taken that very same day, at the same event show a not-so-buxom Palin meeting with fans and taking photos.

Could there have been a little Photoshop magic added to Wonkette’s pictures? Or is this just a case of a tempest in a B cup? I’m not saying that the column sounded catty, but if I spied the Wonkette in a bar, a saucer of milk would be sent her way.

Sarah Palin accomplished what most Americans only dream about: she became successful. Not just successful, but massively successful. And if you are a woman, you better be a Democrat or you can expect that personal/financial success to be met with attacks at every turn.

Because, to the left, a woman who’s not on their side is not really a woman at all. No matter what she looks like.