Just a few short days after Octavia Nasr tweeted her fondness for the late Hezbollah leader Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, she’s out of a job.

The offending message? “Sad to hear of the passing of Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah… One of Hezbollah’s giants I respect a lot.” Bravo to CNN for having the courage to stand up quickly and act. It took less than a week for this to unfold.

Interesting parallel is the Anita Dunn story. It was just over a year ago when President Obama’s Communications Director made the shocking declaration during a commencement speech that one of her heroes was Chairman Mao:


That’s right, a key member of the Obama White House had a personal hero who reportedly killed tens of millions of people in order to keep his iron grip on China for over 30 years.

When asked about her hero, Ms. Dunn responded that she was just “kidding.” The White House must have been in on the joke because Anita Dunn kept that plum gig until September.


She’s just lucky that she didn’t work at CNN.