For everyone who read the above headline and said, “not bloody likely,” give yourself two points. The silence is frightening.

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People Magazine’s latest piece on that rapidly dimming Northern Light known as Levi Johnston is no surprise to people who know and respect Sarah Palin. The only ones astonished to discover that a 17-year-old boy lied in order to get famous are the professional journalists who would rather interview Tina Fey pretending Sarah Palin than to be forced to actually speak with the former vice-presidential candidate herself.

It was a pretty good ride for Levi Johnston. After surfing the wave of celebrity that was primarily fueled by a willingness to lie about almost everything about Sarah, Todd and Bristol Palin, Levi has finally come clean in the pages of People, admitting; “”I publicly said things about the Palins that were not completely true.”

Not completely true? As in, you lied, Levi? You lied about the impending divorce of Sarah and Todd? How about the story you told claiming the former Governor joked about her Down Syndrome baby, referring to the child as “retarded?” What about the whoppers told on the CBS Morning Show, The Today Show, or Tyra Banks show?

No doubt Vanity Fair is planning a make-good article as penance for the Levi-inspired hatchet job in last October’s issue titled “Me and Mrs. Palin.”

Rumor has it that MSNBC may be forced to cancel their next two-hour smear special denying the intelligence of the Tea Party members in order to retract all of the not-completely-true things said about Sarah Palin by hosts Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, and the non-related O’Donnells (Nora and Lawrence).


Levi says that despite the fact that he’s already apologized privately to the family he also wants to do it publicly, saying; “please accept my regrets and forgive my youthful indiscretion.” This may be a sincere effort to heal, then again the timing appears a little suspicious, since Bristol Palin’s star is on the rise and America’s insatiable appetite for TV programming could provide a healthy revenue stream for Levi, Bristol and little Tripp.

And if I may suggest it to the programming gurus at GE, weekends on MSNBC would be perfect for a family values reality show to counter-balance the seemingly endless parade of prison programs offered while Keith, Rachel, Chris and Mr. Ed are stocking up on Obama Kool-Aid for the coming election season.