Looking every inch a president in his fancy sneaks and White Sox cap, the Punahou Kid displays his common touch while on his sixth vacation of the year. From Jake Tapper, perhaps the only honest member of the Washington press corpse — oops! — corps:

President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and their two daughters Sasha and Malia traveled to Nancy’s Restaurant on the waterfront of the Oak Bluffs section of Martha’s Vineyard Wednesday afternoon.

Crowds gathered to watch as the president, wearing his White Sox baseball cap, noted the abundance of Red Sox caps. He and the First Lady shook hands and posed for pictures with folks in the crowd. The president ordered from the take-out window of the snack bar section of the eatery…

As the president walked around the restaurant, some cordoned-off reporters shouted out to him questions, including one about the war in Iraq. Next Tuesday night, the president will deliver an Oval Office address at 8 pm ET, in which he will mark the occasion of the withdrawal of US combat troops from the country.

But the president was in no mood today to discuss the issue with reporters in that setting. He ignored questions for a bit, then turned to the reporters.

“We’re buying shrimp, guys,” he said, smiling. “Come on.”

Gotta love that “cordoned-off reporters” bit. Remember, this is the best it is ever going to get for the junior Fausts of the MSM, herded like cattle and treated like dumb animals, who have sold their souls… for nothing.

Isn’t that right, Keith?