Time Magazine has moved fully into the “anti-Zionist.” pro-Caliphate camp with its latest cover, set to hit the newsstands during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

The story itself is an obscenity written by one Karl Vick, whose basic premise it that Israelis don’t care about peace because they’re too busy living the good life.

I hope he chokes on the money he was paid to write it.

Of course.., those Evil Joos don’t care that five Israelis have been killed in the three days since direct talks were announced, that they face daily threats of war and annihilation from all sides, that they can turn on the TV daily and hear and see propaganda and incitement aimed at dehumanizing the Jews and calling for jihad. Especially from their so-called ‘peace partners’ where polls indicate that the Palestinians approve of terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians by almost two to one.

What’s really happened, of course is not that Israelis have stopped caring about peace but that they’ve realized in the two decades since Oslo that it isn’t going to happen for some time, because the basic problem is not the amount of land Israel occupies or anything Israel does or doesn’t do but the fact that it exists at all.

In the face of that knowledge, the decision of most Israelis to live a normal day-to-day life is one of extraordinary courage.

But I wouldn’t expect some so-called journalist to understand that.

Here’s some news for Time magazine and the rest: Israelis have gotten used to reading garbage like this about how they’re the most terrible country on earth. And most of them understand that it’s going to continue, no matter what they do. There’s simply a substantial constituency around that envies and resents Israel’s success to the point of madness.

Mark Twain, writing over a hundred years ago after reflecting on Theodore Herzl‘s plan for a Jewish State:

I am not objecting; but if that concentration of the cunningest brains in the world were going to be made in a free country, I think it would be politic to stop it. It will not be well to let the race find out its strength. If the horses knew theirs, we should not ride any more.