Over at the Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol tries to control his inner optimist:

It would be unbecoming for us at The Weekly -Standard​–we do have to uphold standards, after all!–to chortle with glee as the Democratic party melts down. It would be unkind to whoop at the top of our lungs as Obama White House big shots quit or get fired, and to cheer with gusto as the GOP leadership behaves sensibly, the Tea Party goes from strength to strength, and momentum builds towards a huge Election Day repudiation of big government liberalism.

So, instead, we’ll simply point out, calmly and quietly, that the Democratic party is in meltdown, the Obama White House is in disarray, and the voters are in rebellion against both of them.

… Meanwhile, much to the amazement of experienced laborers in conservative and Republican causes, the Republicans aren’t blowing it.

Yes, yes… don’t want to get too cocky, don’t want to count our chickens, etc. Still…

It looks as if 2010 will be a bigger electoral landslide than 1994, and more significant as well. But the true significance of 2010 will be to lay the groundwork for an even bigger victory in 2012–a victory that would allow President Obama to follow the example of so many of his senior staff, and depart the White House sooner than he once expected.

Read sure the read the whole thing… and then work to make it come true.