Yesterday Valerie Jarrett sponsored the White House Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference hosted by the White House Council on Women and Girls (Jarrett is the chair). Valerie Jarrett is the former Chicago political power-broker who became a top Obama aide after the election. She’s excellent at organizing propaganda. As we remember with the NEA conference call, Buffy Wicks along with Yosi Sergant – who organized the call – worked in Jarrett’s office and Wicks reported to Jarrett.

Our favorite White House tool, Mika Brzezinski, moderated the opening panel. Brzezinski is a “host” at MSNBC (she’s the one always giving the mean looks to the conservative guests on Morning Joe). You remember Mika: She’s the one who admitted on air that she received talking points from the White House for her reporting and debating political issues:

Yesterday she was invited to the White House to moderate this highly partisan event. We know this is a highly partisan event because Valerie Jarrett was involved with it. Can you imagine if Megyn Kelly had moderated any panels at the White House during the Bush administration? Mika has lost all credibility on her façade that she is an objective journalist just trying to bring the truth to her viewers. It’s pretty clear that now her role is simply to bring what the White House wants her to say to the viewership of MSNBC.

When will MSNBC stop trying to portray Brzezinski as an objective journalist and begin referring to her as a “White House pundit”? The final (and arguably most important question) that I’m sure eluded the MSNBC “host” is why do we need a White House Council on Women and Girls? It sounds like an excuse to spend more tax dollars on liberal programs that will likely do little good for women or girls.