Remember the Make-Believe Media flap over Tim Tebow’s pro-life Super Bowl commercial? What if that commercial, rather than gently affirming life, had instead advanced “choose life…or else”, then depicted pro-choice advocates suddenly exploding in sprays of blood and body parts (um, like a real abortion)? Just proposing such imaging would cause figurative exploding heads among the Make-Believe Media. And remember the vein-popping squealing at the suggested imaging of a burning Koran or a cartoon of Mohammed with an (unexploded) bomb in his turban. Horrific! Hateful! Violent!

Yet the same righteous protectors of comity are eerily silent at the 10:10 environmental snuff video and its graphic images of schoolchildren exploding in blood and body parts because they hesitated joining the latest pilgrimage for The Church of Climate Change. Featuring high end writing production credentials (disgracefully, writer Richard Curtis of Blackadder fame and Love, Actually participated), the video ironically intends to advance a serious message encouraging reduced carbon consumption: conform or die!

[Warning: graphic content}


Perhaps the 10:10 video exposes what the Left really means by “choice”– murder outside the womb justified to save the life of the Mother….Earth. Make the wrong “choice” and you’re roadkill.

The film, 10:10 will obviously claim artistic license and humor, but at the edge of all humor is intent and besides, depicting the bloody slaughter of schoolchildren is so debased that it’s difficult to dismiss merely as a deplorable lack of wit. The perpetrators of this despicable film are hastily trying to cover their tracks and take it down but — disgusting as it is — everyone should see it in order to see through their benign disguises and see them for what they really are.

OK, Make-Believe Media, we’re ready and waiting for the handwringing, outcry and condemnation at this display of witless violence. No Pressure!