To paraphrase Bill O’Reilly, “When they start calling you names, you know you’ve won.” To take it a step further, when they leave the conversation in the middle of an interview in disgust, you know who are the real professionals and who aren’t. In any other profession, if you leave your job during the time of executing its functions because you can’t emotionally handle the stress, you are fired or reassigned. But if you’re on The View and interviewing a Fox News commentator, the audience cheers for your emotional incompetence.


Bill O’Reilly was making the case about why the Ground Zero Mosque has such a large opposition against it. In the midst of all the woman trying to strangle him with their words he declares, “Muslims killed us on 9/11.” His comments were met with yelling and cussing from Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg. O’Reilly, unfazed by their antics, pressed them, “Are you saying Muslims didn’t kill us on 9/11?” That comment was met with Behar raising herself off the couch with faux righteous indignation saying, “I don’t want to sit here next to you.” Goldberg followed suit and the two marched backstage.

Barbara Walters in a not-so-direct way informed her audience that her colleges acted inappropriately (the audience didn’t appear to agree). Bill completely ignored the situation and simply clarified the blatantly obvious point that he didn’t mean all Muslims and apologized for the confusion. Behar and Goldberg marched triumphantly back on stage saying they were coming back because “he apologized.”

The left’s desperation this election season is certainly starting to show. They are emotionally spent from spinning their lies about the Tea Party, conservatives, and Republicans. They have now lowered themselves to inane ramblings and last minute jabs in the hopes of somehow trying to come out on top. Walters shows that it’s not below her to get in a last minute jab before the commercial break by saying, “You have written a book called Pinheads and Patriots and at this point it’s hard to see which one you are. We’ll be right back…” These below-the-belt jabs and raving antics can’t save the left, but those are the only weapons they have left to fend off the coming wave of conservatism on November 2nd. The example that Behar and Goldberg gave on national television is embarrassing for women. If they are unable to keep their emotions in check long enough to have a conversation, they should stay out of the national television kitchen.