I’ve never even heard of Thomas Roberts before, so when I read of his name in conjunction with a daytime media attack on Bristol Palin, I put two-and-two together and realized that the dude is some sort of daytime anchor on MSNBC. Roberts and That Dude From “Best Week Ever,” whose name turns out to be Sherrod Small, were apparently light on prep and for an entire segment eviscerated Bristol Palin’s Facebook activities.

ROBERTS: Some people are saying that maybe Bristol has a ghost writer. As I said, she graduated from high school –

SMALL: Maybe?

ROBERTS: Has roughly a 3.5, a 3.5 grade point average. So smart young lady.

SMALL: Right.

ROBERTS: But there’s been postings on her page where she used the word “canard.”

SMALL: Canard. I know a dude, I know a guy named Canard. That’s how black I am. Spelled with a K. Don’t even think about the words she used. If she’s using subjects and predicates together in a sentence, somebody else is writing it for her.

They stopped short of calling her “sugar.”

Is this news? Do we really care what a 20-year-old writes on her Facebook page? Isn’t it amazing how all a Palin, any Palin, has to do is pass gas and it’s news all over MSNBC? Is MSNBC doing everything they possibly can to avoid discussing any news at all, whatsoever? We have a big scam of a Pigford bill that screws with actual victims of discrimination due to New Communities Inc. smelling a massive payout (I saw on Twitter a comment that asked if Pigford was including “Farmville” farmers as claimants); we have an Andy Warhol-meets-Batman’s Robin with all of the tights and none of the hero, sluttin’ it up around the planet and issuing threats to various governments; we’ve passed a massive entitlement scheme of 13 months extended unemployment benefits with ZERO way to pay for them – but hey! Bristol Palin’s Facebook page, everybody.

The above is why MSNBC is beyond the hope of resuscitation, this is why it’s regularly mocked. They don’t engage in facts, they engage in sound bites, and they can’t even master that.

So while everyone is watching all the other networks, feel free, MSNBC, to cover the stories that no one else will touch: The Bristol Palin Facebook scandal, the “What Sort of Sandwich Did Sarah Palin Eat for Lunch” headline, the “Canard, Synonym for ‘Rumor’ or Secret Term for ‘Canadian Nerd?'”