Consider this your moment of facepalm. Honestly, Cenk Uygur makes me pine for the days of Keith Olbermann, because while he was a pretentiously shrieky socialist shill, he was a terrific broadcaster, even if he did take cues from Dramatic Chipmunk.


Now they have This Guy. A.K.A. Cenk Uygur cut his teeth on Youtube and the hysterical failure of Air America to MSNBC, filling in the hole left behind by Olbermann. His new show preceeds Lawrence O’Donnell’s who this week received attention after guest (as Iowahawk so graciously put it, the “poor man’s Shelley Winters” – my favorite was cable truck stop lot lizard) Meghan McCain siphoned more fame off of Sarah Palin (like her father did throughout the ’08 campaign) by attacking Michele Bachmann.

Uygur gives a beautiful lesson on irony by criticizing Glenn Beck for using rhetoric he himself used earlier. Behold:


I get upset when anyone makes me miss Keith Olbermann.