You hear this mantra everywhere in the activist old media, “The Republican candidates for president are flawed,” “Republicans are not happy with their candidates.”

George Stephanopoulos goes to the “Smart Screen” on Good Morning America with the latest poll/editorial that tells us that Republicans are dissatisfied with their candidates for President. It’s all right there — if the Smart Screen says it, who can doubt it?

Nobody has declared for the White House on the Republican side and already the media is working as hard as it can to diminish the field. Humm, wonder why they would want to do that? Basically the media is saying, “We don’t know what the field is yet, but we know Republicans don’t like it.” What they are really saying is that they don’t like it.

I happen to rather like the field of potential candidates for President. No Presidential candidate in our lifetime has accomplished the things Mitt Romney has accomplished. Along with being a brilliant businessman, he saved the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics and showed his ability to negotiate with foreign leaders when he convinced them to display the torn and tattered flag from 9-11 during the Opening Ceremonies (no flag is to be singled out during the Opening Ceremonies, this one was,) another accomplished businessman, Herman Cain has shown his ability to build a strong nation through free enterprise—imagine that? Godfathers Pizza has been rather successful over the years and it didn’t happen by accident.

There are some great governors and former governors who may enter the race, Haley Barbour, Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin. If our current President could even point to the accomplishment of negotiating the natural gas pipeline from Alaska, as Palin did, it would’ve raised his stature 10 fold in the last election. Who doesn’t think Tim Pawlenty would make a great challenge for Obama? Although it doesn’t look like he’s going to run, Chris Christie would be a rock star. Newt Gingrich engineered the Takeover of 1994. I could go on and on through Michelle Bachman to Rick Santorum—what conservative out there doesn’t think any of these people would make a better President than the one we’ve got?

As for The Donald, he’s having fun with the media right now and we can all appreciate that, but if he ever gets serious about running, the media will turn on him in a New York minute. Ask John McCain, the media loved McCain and his story, until he began his campaign (as weak as it was) against Dear Leader.

Still, we are told we are not happy with these people. Happy? I’d take any of ’em (okay, I know each of these candidates have their flaws, but before you go there, read my next paragraph).

All political races are relative. During the 2008 Presidential campaign we did not have the ’27 Yankees going up against the Big Red Machine of the ’70’s. We had the ’62 Mets against the 2003 Tigers. Republicans picked the wrong candidate. Not a pretty sight. As a result, we ended up with a Rookie League pitcher in the White House, trying to make it in the Bigs. Any of these candidates on the long list of potential Republicans would be better than what we’ve got…that’s a given, but still the activists in the old media will tell us as often as they can, that we’re not satisfied.

What we are not satisfied with is a President who has circumvented the Constitution, he gives us “Czars” who talk hate towards America, he flip-flops on virtually every major issue out there, he won’t call a terrorist a terrorist, he has increased our debt by trillions of dollars while he tells us how important it is to be fiscally responsible; basically, he insults our intelligence time and time again and the media sits on the sidelines, cheers and tells us we’ve got useless candidates. Maybe we have the Chicago Black Sox in the White House. By the way, that is not a racial statement, it is baseball’s most embarrassing scandal from 1919, corruption that nearly destroyed the National Pastime. Like the Black Sox, it seems somebody is trying to thrown the game in DC.

Tap on the Smart Screen, George — see if it tells you what an abject failure we have in the White House. Let’s hope we have the ’69 Seattle Pilots, one and done.