In the age of instant analysis and response of news via twitter, accuracy and attention to detail are a must. At least, that’s what “real” journalists have always told us. Today, “journalist” Chuck Todd sent out a tweet that read “POTUS to CBS: ‘Imagine how the American people would react if Al Queda killed one of our troops … and put photos of the body on the internet.'” Of course the appropriate phrase there isn’t “Imagine if” it’s “Remember when.” What’s also egregious about this quote is that the author, presumably the President, has forgotten the atrocities of the bodies of our fallen heroes being used as recruitment tools for Al Qaeda in internet videos.

My first reaction:

I then proceeded along with half of the center-right on twitter to rail against the President on “his” statement.

Turns out it my instinctive reaction was correct, it was a joke.

Regardless of who said the quote, they deserve the same ire for the insensitive comment. But it makes one wonder, would this quote have gotten the play had it originally been attributed to the correct author? Chuck Todd says this was a fault of “multi-tasking” and has apologized.