h/t Smitty in email for this link to Ordered Liberty, which points to some truly disordered nonsense from Jennifer “Let’s Pretend I’m Conservative” Rubin at the Washington Post today. Having awoken in a generous mood this morning, I’m hesitant to conclude Rubin’s a complete buffoon. But as the screen-cap below indicates, she doesn’t exactly make that easy to do.

Click the image to enlarge, if you wish. Note the url displayed at bottom in Google Chrome, revealing the actual link she refers people to, while suggesting it’s a Peter Berkowitz essay in support of her silly, if supercilious, non-argument against Santorum’s understanding of America: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/royal-wedding-watch/post/kate-and-wills-wedding-program-available-for-download/2011/04/28/AFQyp14E_blog.html.

Fortunately, the link is dead, now, by the way. But let’s do hope she saved it for posterity’s sake on her hard drive (eye-roll). Unfortunately, it seems poor Jennifer thought she was reading something informative for Conservatives but was apparently only indulging her fascination with monarchy, like the more-or-less Liberal with a DOD chip on her shoulder she is, actually. But, to return to being generous, let’s put that aside, take on her insufferable blathering on its lack of merit, and assume she’s not genuinely a complete moron, as I said above.

Now, Rubin’s been going down the list attacking this, or that, potential 2012 GOP nominee, presumably until she’s done and decides to tell us just how wonderful and astute a conservative is a Romney, or a Pawlenty, or whichever establishment Republican she envisions as the GOP’s new Prince William.

Given her neo-conservatism, I imagine it’ll be one ready and willing to take up the crusade to save Jerusalem, while continuing to manage and actually grow government like a good liberal Republican. I’m mostly supportive on the first count, but it’s the latter which reveals her disingenuously posing as a Conservative, without truly appreciating what it – and America, it unfortunately seems – actually is. That leads to her creating a straw-man to foolishly attack Santorum, only to reveal her own ignorance, while pretending to deliver a lecture to Conservatives on the Constitution, of all things.

Here is what Santorum said that set her off enough to distract her from the Royal Wedding fetish she was evidently indulging when she spied it, presumably out of the corner of her monarchy-enthralled eye.

At the Republican presidential debate on Thursday Rick Santorum was asked about Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels’s suggestion that there be a social truce. Santorum answered, “Anybody that would suggest we call a truce on moral issues doesn’t understand what America is all about.”

That is wrong. In fact, it’s the precise opposite of what America is about. As a matter of political tactics you can think a truce is a bad or good idea, but it does not define America or our system of government.

You can look to the Declaration or the Federalist papers or the Constitution and make a principled argument that America is about individual liberty or limited government (which secures the former). But it’s not about moral issues or any issue.

… Santorum’s assertion, quite frankly, reflects a certain constitutionally illiteracy and is at odds at a fundamental level with modern conservatism. Indeed, since the presidency requires that the chief executive “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” — which presupposes one understands what’s in it — Santorum has in the most concise way possible demonstrated his lack of qualifications to serve.

She carries on – and on – primarily about the Constitution, citing several better thinkers than is she. The problem is, Santorum didn’t invoke the Constitution. So her entire argument is a strawman born of her dislike for, and perhaps unfounded Leftist-like fear of, a social conservative and social conservatism, on whole. And there you have it. There’s not much to it, or to Rubin, actually, if this represents the depth of her thinking on America and her willingness to use deception to undermine a genuine conservative.

Santorum was not launching some attack on the Constitution by referring to the fabric of America, obviously taking into account the moral underpinnings so critical to the preservation of a civil society – not that there’s much of one left in America at this point. The Left understood this years ago and has been maintaining an assault on morality and virtue in America for years, because they know if they accomplish its ruination, there is nothing left but bigger and bigger government to step into the void their destruction creates.

Now, thanks to faux-conservatives like Rubin, really just Liberals in military drag, we have allegedly converted liberals dressed up as Conservatives throwing in with them to help finish the de-construction thanks to the former’s superficial, though often elitist, appreciation for what Conservatism and a traditional America actually represent.

If we’re lucky, some other prince, or king of Europe will marry, soon, thus distracting Rubin just enough to keep her from prattling on for a time about Conservativsm, which she so obviously doesn’t truly comprehend with any depth at all. One can hope, anyway.