The picture of Anthony Weiner’s naked erect penis is now out there. No, Andrew Breitbart DID NOT release the picture to the media. But in typical liberal style, the rabid dogs at are going after Andrew Breitbart, calling him a liar, for something other people did.

Gawker’s Adrian Chen writes:

The picture comes courtesy of Sirus XM shock jocks Opie and Anthony, who had Breitbart on his show. Breitbart has said he wouldn’t release the picture [of Weiner’s penis] because “I don’t think I want to put his family through that type of thing.” But since Breitbart is a liar and keeps his Weiner cock shot on his person at all times (wouldn’t you?), he shared it with the guys on his phone. Then they took their own snapshot and put it on Twitter.

The desperate for ratings jerks are Sirus XM radio shock jocks Opie and Anthony who interviewed Breitbart then betrayed him by snapping a picture of Breitbart’s cell phone as he showed the two men the proof. Gawker reports the whole affair complete with Weiner’s full monty picture and then has the brazen audacity to call Breitbart a LIAR!

Let’s call it like it really is: the lot are penile picture piracy pervs. And what they’re doing to Andrew Breitbart crosses the line.

These liberals are trying to redirect the focus from the pervert Anthony Weiner onto a conservative journalist who received the X-rated picture from an unsolicited source as part of a growing news story and treated the matter with respect for another’s privacy.

How about focusing on how in God’s name the standards of American decency have sunk so low that Weiner’s type of perversion passes as amusement? How can anyone with the judgment of an aroused teen age male be entrusted with making serious decisions over federal legislation that will affect millions of Americans?!? How can anyone trust a man who told bald-faced lies to the media for ten straight days?

Politics is no place for perverts who place sexual stimulation above marriage vows and a national duty to hold one’s self blameless and free from coercion or blackmail. And journalism is no place for what some may view as libel. Gawker would do well to issue an apology to Andrew Breitbart.