At The Corner the other morning, Andy McCarthy points out the LA Times‘ “mainstreaming of the Muslim Brotherhood” by providing a forum for Mousa Abu Marzook–at one time the most senior Hamas operative living in the US:

This was akin to giving equal time to the director of the FBI and the head of Cosa Nostra. Marzook is the most important Muslim Brotherhood operative ever stationed in the U.S. I discuss him in some detail in The Grand Jihad. During his 14 years here, which ended when he was deported in 1994, he actually ran Hamas (the terrorist organization that is the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch) from his home in Virginia.

Mousa Abu Marzook

This was in the early 90s, during the Intifada. He also had a hand in the establishment of many of the Islamist organizations with which we are familiar today. The Islamist infrastructure he helped build here was the foundation of the Justice Department’s successful terrorism financing prosecution against the Holy Land Foundation for funneling millions of dollars to Palestinian terrorists.

This weekend, Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft at Human Events put the exuberance with which the release of Sarah Palin’s emails were covered in the context of the LA Times’ ongoing embargo of a potentially damaging video of Barack Obama with notorious anti-Israel academics Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said. When will we see that video?