
This video shows only the questions asked by CNN American Morning anchor Kiran Chetry.

No questions about unemployment, the budget, the economy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the deficit, Medicare, health care, terrorism, Iran, Syria, Israel, Greece or gas prices.

A very bizarre, albeit polite, interview over a throughly debunked topic.

Why isn’t Chetry asking about any of Obama’s gaffes? Or the lengthy list of outright inaccuracies in his last press conference? Did Chetry even get around to asking Bachmann about her thoughts on entitlement reform or, since Bachmann is a tax attorney, ask her thoughts on the Democrats’ refusal to walk back the tax burden on job creators?

That would have put an uncomfortable spotlight on the contradictions in this administration and ultimately make it look bad as we roll into an election year. However, I don’t think that was Chetry’s aim.