– ABC’s Jake Tapper headlines.

Are You Ready For Some Führer?

No, but we’ll take more of what Hank Williams offers up below the headline, if you don’t mind.

“Every time the media brings up the tea party it’s painted as racist and extremists — but there’s never a backlash — no outrage to those comparisons,” Williams said. “Working class people are hurting — and it doesn’t seem like anybody cares. When both sides are high-fiving it on the ninth hole when everybody else is without a job – it makes a whole lot of us angry. Something has to change. The policies have to change.”

– If Williams ever returns to ESPN, perhaps he should stick with male-on-male rape jokes. That would be even more inclusive, than some of their past low-lights that went without a hint of serious attention from major media.

ESPN was fine when their Las Vegas radio affiliate joked about, and seemingly advocated for, the rape of Sarah Palin just a few weeks ago.

– Just a thought fo a new opening theme song, ESPN. It isn’t as if he called Obama a New Black Panther, or anything.

New photographs obtained exclusively by BigGovernment.com reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007.

– Is it possible Chris Matthews’ doctor is tied up in court with the Jackson case and Chris is having a hard time getting his meds? Just asking, folks.

Matthews: If Obama Loses in ’12 Conservatives Will Celebrate Death Penalty, Elevate Torture and Punish Gays

– Look who’s back just in time for Obama’s re-election campaign.

A “Take Back the American Dream” three-day conference in Washington begins on Monday that features Van Jones, the disgraced former Obama Administration “Green Jobs Czar,” a Russian TV star, and a veteran of the Venceremos Brigades to Cuba who works for the AFL-CIO. Such is the nature of the modern progressive movement.

– Don’t be surprised if the media eventually puts his face on Leftist efforts like Occupy Wall Street they already seem to admire so much.

Today’s Sound Bite. This is journalism? I was waiting for Ratigan to drop the mic and pick up a placard. Oh my: at 4:15 in he does just about that: he leads the crowd in a stance and shouts “I agree with you!”