The liberal media has constantly found new ways to put down the tea party movement. First came the sexual slurs; we were “tea baggers.” Then we were racists, we were stupid, and finally, we were stubborn extremists whose only wish was to close down the government and/or remove Barack Obama from office.

The media’s latest slander of the tea party puts all of the others to shame. They are calling the left-wing “Occupy Wall Street” protests in New York a “liberal tea party.” Ladies and gentlemen, I know the tea party; I have been to some of their rallies, and some local groups’ leaders are friends of mine. It is with 100% certainty I can report that the only similarity between the tea party movement and the Occupy Wall Street protests is they are both comprised of Homo sapiens.

That doesn’t stop the liberal media, though. Take NBC News, for example; on Saturday night’s evening news program, correspondent Michelle Franzen quoted Columbia University’s Dorian Warren, who asserted the Wall Street protests were “a liberal version of the tea party.” He added, “I think this could potentially carry over into the 2012 elections and get people to the polls.”

On Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” host David Gregory, speaking with Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne about the movement, mentioned, “your column out tomorrow talks about the equivalent tea party movement on the left [emphasis mine].”

Time Magazine said:

In its broadest outlines, this new outpouring of protest is driven by the same fuel that gave fire to the Tea Party: Anger at elites, a feeling of injustice, a concern about jobs, fear about the direction of the economy and a clear desire to take action. Whereas the Tea Party focused these furies on government, Occupy Wall Street focuses the fury on corporate America. It seems, quite simply, to be the left’s answer to the right’s size-of-government critique that has dominated national politics for the last two years.

Neither in methodology or goals is there any similarity between the tea party and this Occupy Wall Street group.

Tea party rallies were calm protests whose attendees respected the local ordinances and cleaned up after they were done. Almost exclusively, the only people arrested at tea party rallies were the SEIU thugs sent by the administration to bust some heads. At the Occupy Wall Street rally yesterday, 700 people were arrested for ignoring police instructions and blocking access to the Brooklyn Bridge.

The goals of the tea party were all about returning this country to what made it great, following the road map of this country’s success — the Constitution — along with the the traditional American values of freedom, celebrating individual success, and personal responsibility.

The Occupy Wall Street Folks have a list of demands, courtesy of Martha’s Vineyard organic farmer Lloyd Hart; most of them are unconstitutional and antithetical to traditional American values. The Occupy Wall Street folks’s goals are all about tearing down institutions. They are looking to create dependency on the government, to take away freedom and blame all of their problems on others. Under the Occupy Wall Street demands, no one would ever have to work hard ever again. If they had their way, everyone would just be able to take more from an endless supply of government cash. All loans would be forgiven and everyone will have a salary whether they work or not.

Respecting local laws vs. 700 arrests on one day, using the guide book that made America great — the Constitution — vs. tearing down its fundamental principles such as property rights, affirming personal responsibility vs. eliminating responsibility, a sense of independence and pride in one’s accomplishments vs. allowing others to do everything for you, celebrating success vs. penalizing it — those are but a few of the fundamental and irreconcilable differences between the tea party and the Occupy Wall Street group. For the media to imply that they are even remotely the same is pure wish fulfillment.