Suddenly a perfectly timed moral and ethical revelation has come to light. Governor Perry, presidential candidate extraordinaire, is apparently a racist. According to a story by the AP, the Perry family leased a property named “N**gerhead Hunting Camp” from the early 1980’s to 1997 from Hendricks Home for Children. Sometime during that period, the rock was painted over by Governor Perry’s parents at his request. There are a number of issues that require addressing at this point. First off, why oh why is this story breaking now? No one noticed the painted over rock until 2011? Or could this be an attempt to goad Herman Cain into a blunder in the area of race? Why would he be the first one questioned on this issue?

Without a direct interview on this topic with Gov. Perry, who should be the first to weigh in, the media turns to the only black Republican in the presidential race! Of course Cain could have said that without all of the evidence before him, and without any clarification or explanation from Perry, he could not comment. The response of a chorus of “sell out” and “Uncle Tom” cries from the left would have been deafening. So he weighed in the best way that he could, considering he probably wasn’t aware of the complete story until Amanpour sprung it on him.

Gov. Perry, by all accounts behaved as he should have in asking his family to cover over the offensive name on the rock. In fact, the camp was renamed North Camp Pasture by the Perry family. There is nothing wrong in Herman Cain commenting that the term on the rock is offensive – which we all should vocally agree is the truth. The danger here is in circling the wagons around the issue without addressing it properly. The Republican Party has been wrongly maligned as racist for the past 50+ years. Conservatives are tired of defending themselves against baseless attacks, but there must be agreement on justifiable instances where Conservatives should denounce an accepted racist practice, and move on. Racism is not limited to any party or race. Deal with it. There is no racism on the part of the Perry family or Governor Perry. They didn’t paint the rock. They painted over it.

The history on the name “n**gerhead” is that it was used in many ways. It currently refers to an island in north Queensland Australia. It was also widely used as a name for geographical features such as hills and large rocks or a single isolated coral.

There were over a hundred place names around the U.S. called “n**gerhead” until 1962, when the U. S. Board on Geographic names changed them. Many localities continue to use the name. Cigarettes were once called “n**gerheads,” as well as soaps and cannon balls. Of course any sensible person knows that this practice should never have been acceptable, and it no longer is.

This is why this ambush story on Perry has to be seen for what it is: race baiting.