While speaking during his “Hardball” show earlier this week, Chris “Thrill Up His Leg” Matthews waxed poetic about how wonderful the universe would be if only Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012. Well, almost — what he really said was how lousy things he would be if a Republican were elected. He created a paranoid litany of inevitable consequences to a Republican electoral victory:

Tea Partiers and neocons… celebrating the death penalty, elevating torture, ending environmental protection as we know it, breaking unions, punishing gays, starting more wars, and enacting one more giant tax cut for the rich – or worse.

Maybe Matthews has a point. While the list of horrors he mentioned are close to our agenda, Matthews is a bit off on every item he listed, but he has spurred me think maybe it’s time for the tea partying neocons like me to admit what we really have in store for this country should our candidates get elected in 2012. Since no one else is willing to do it, I guess it will be up to me to let the world know. Below is the secret Tea Partier’s list of what we will get done in the first year after we take over.

Wearing too much perfume. You know those people who always plop down next to you on a train or bus who smell like they’ve basted themselves is “aire de cheapo perfume?” Sorry ladies (and fellows with cologne), but that is a crime against humanity.

Cell phone abusers. You’re on the 6 a.m. train into Manhattan catching a precious few extra moments of sleep when suddenly, two rows in front of you a guy disturbs your slumber by talking loudly into his cell phone about his “conquest” the night before. Under a GOP/Tea Party administration, DHS agents will be on each and every bus and train car with orders to shoot and kill the loud public phone talker.

-Atomic Tangerine (sounds too terroristy)

-Beaver (no sexual references)

-Cotton Candy (this recommendation came from Michelle Obama)

-Magic Mint (too druggy)

-Piggy Pink (sounds too much like Congressional earmarks)

-Tickle Me Pink (sounds too much like former Congressman Massa)

There you have it — the real agenda of the neocons and Tea Party Movement. And to think if Chris Matthews didn’t push the point, we never would have fessed up. No, we probably would have been hanging out looking for ways to live on the public dole, taking other people’s money while looking for others to blame for our problems — you know, just like progressives.